The renowned French designer and architect Phillipe Starck has begun conceiving pieces of urban furniture for Cascais, in tribute to its people and the city itself.
"We are now in our place.
It’s the only place in the world where we come back, like this morning, we feel home.
The waves. The waves. If I make a caricature, I shall say that I am here for the waves. What city have a natural piece of art? And not a small one. A huge one. One week ago, the waves were wonderful and when there is waves, there is happiness, which fill me. It’s a real power of nature.
The Mayor and his fantastic municipality gave me the opportunity to design some furniture, some equipment, which are for everybody in this town.
I never saw in all my life, in my too long life, a city better driven. It’s astonishing and I think this city is a prototype for the happy city of the future for intelligent people because you are the last population which is human, That’s why I am more than happy to make something, even if it is small.
It’s pure block of stone with pieces of metal with the names of the human who live here, who make the city, who make the society, and I hope, who make the civilization.
I have all the life! I have all the world here. I have all the real people and yes, that’s my inspiration and we count every minute. We were eight hours ago in New York and we said “ok, ok, in eight hours we shall be in Cascais”.”
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